Oros bugged basic attack

Paul SBA

Hi. Very often my Oros go to a 0 dmg on his basic attack until either switch venary or use an active ability. Sometimes even do negative dmg and the opponent gets healed.
Sometimes this happen after the initial basic attack. Other times it happens after the passive ability triggers or when there is a debuf. Also, when trying to get screenshots on the battle logs, my meeka also went negative damage and his active ability healed the opponent to full hp!
The Oros bug happens with any type of opponent.


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Status changed to: In progress



This is a known bug and its the swap ability Blow for Blow is causing the problem, all Venari that have this swap ability would first deal 0 or 1 damage and on the second time it triggers, it would start to heal the opponent


Paul SBA

Think this bug activates when the basic attack bonus disappears.