User input is very laggy

Denzel prudent

When moving the character, and the camera, there is a massive delay in response with the application.


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Jonah Demajeva

i can't play still log and stock....help im excited to play?...😭


Jonah Demajeva

i cannot play its always stock and loggy....help im excited to play.



Hey Denzel! This is one of the main performance issues that we are tackling.

Currently, the server is based in North America, so users from Europe/Africa/Asia might be experiencing more input lag.

Switching browser to Firefox if you're using a Chromium-based one, or the other way around might already help. Or, one of the steps below:

1. Tweak the in-game settings, such as Shadows, Resolution, and Draw Distance. Make sure to click Save Changes at the bottom.
2. Try turning Batching On if it's currently Off. Or vice versa. Then, refresh and see if it's smoother.
3. Try to switch browsers. If you're using a Chromium-based browser (Opera GX, Brave, Chrome, etc.), try using Firefox.
4. Make sure Hardware Acceleration is turned On in your browser.



Status changed to: In progress