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i would love it if the camera is dynamic and automatically moves with the player , so you dont have to manually change it...
It would be great if in the quests description. You could also indicate which World the quest is associated with. As more...
There's no indicator when at the crafting UI/Workshop to know if i have the necessary ingredients/materials to craft an item....
i think 3d should be 3rd
Having hotkeys as an additional option for selection instead of only by clicking.
I think it would be better for the game or better gameplay if we would have to use the active Venari to some extend to upgrade...
While fighting a "syncing to server" occurred. the fight proceeded and I nearly lost because I could not use my special...
I would like to suggest adding an option to hide the player’s IGN/name, Venari health bars, and other UI elements such as the...
I’d like to suggest adding a spawn protection system to improve the overall gameplay experience. Recently, I experienced a...
It would be great if all the playtesters got the ability to select one of their venari they've tamed during this playtesting...