Items to stack when you drag into storage


Would make it easier to know how many materials you have


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Status changed to: Planned



Essentially you should be able to drag something into storage and it finds the correct place to stack if you already have the item.

For example the essences for Tenoi, Pix, and Togoe are the same color. Right now you need to click on each of them in storage to see which is which to make sure you are making a stack rather than making a swap.

It would be nice if there was a way for storage to stack automatically when you drag things in, rather than placing them exactly in the slot you chose. Like if you have 1 oria berry in storage and 3 in your inventory, or multiple essence types that have the same colors.

Maybe a place at the top where you could drag to that is not an actual storage slot, but an incoming space so that it would automatically stack with what you already have if possible, but you could also select individual spaces if you wanted to.



I dont know if this is expected behavior or not but i can stack Essence unlimited but everything other only to max 5