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2 week Halloween themed event (end of October)
3-week long exclusive event! Enjoy the festivities through a limited-time questline featuring a newly discovered Venari and the...
- 2D NFT Seeker Avatar Rollout - Initial Avatar System/Blessing System (Cosmetic Rerolls) - Monthly Questline by respective...
Event to commemorate LoV's 1-year anniversary since game launch
https://blog.legendsofvenari.com/legends-of-venari-cozomo-de-medici-exclusive-event-265dab06bcb2 2-week partnered event
Patch Notes: https://blog.legendsofvenari.com/september-29th-2022-pre-patch-notes-24c9bb118e99
2 week partnered event (Mid October)
Two-week cross-over exclusive event in partnership with BYOPills.
Off chain Rivalis Passes (previous Base Pass) lending + activation